Ok find a vacuum port on the intake manifold not used.
The 3 bar GM map hooks up there.
The GM air temp sensor goes in the IC pipe somewhere Try and find a place that is straight and put it half way so it gets a steady stream of air.
Now place the controller where you want. Bracket in the glove box etc. You'll want to be able to see it easy or hide it easy.
Remove the air meter ...You don't need that sh*t anymore. Filter, pipe and your done with that.
Now wide band O2 you need one of those, Not the wide band and a gauge just the wide band sensor and lamda cable. The cable attaches to the pro translator box. You can monitor the wideband from the pro translator screen if you really want one do it but its really not nessesary.
Now the beautiful thing about these is the wideband tracking. If you set the wideband tracking at 11.8 you'll always be 11.8, it samples like 128 times a second and it dead nuts accurate, spray meth, juice, race gas, more boost etc it will compensate. No more screwed up idle, perfect tune always baro pressure humitity and temp doesn't effect the car anymore drives like a new car from the dealer.
Now for computer chip Jeff does them and I still need to get him to do mine but that will be the last thing I buy for it, Looks like my combination is set unless I say screw it and do a 2.6 I've really been looking at the BC stroker kit. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif
As for tuning it and getting it dialed in research the full throttle network website theres alot of info there. Also I'm sure theres a dyno close to you that has tuned one of these in. I plan on getting mine baselined then loading up on a trailer and go to ATL for dyno time. I figure I can learn more in two hours on a dyno than 2 monthes raping it up and down the street beside my house.
Now I'm not sure which release you have but the software is a free upgrade and they have downloads for the current set-up and also the timing tables etc. Also you can buy for like 100 dollars the boost controller that ties into the box. But I'm use to mine and like the overtake button and its easy to set so I'll stick to my old profec A
So here's some links to what it is for you guys that have never seen one.
maft pro features
tech support
1st gen Wiring and manual downloads here