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Free logger for Palm from Russia!

Yes, very cool. Thanks! Look forward to playing w/it and comparing it to Pocketlogger.

Apparently you can't do anything w/it unless it's hooked up to your car; it crashed my Visor a few times. Just FYI.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2001
Vacaville, CA
Hey, whoever have pocketlogger can you please tell what other different functions are there between these 2 software? thanks.

This software reboots my Palm whenever I try to run it. Anyone have any success? Maybe I need a newer OS? More RAM? I'd really like to get this thing to work, as it has a neat feature I can use to develop my chips: it lets you enter 6 memory addresses YOU want to monitor! I could finally confirm some of the other memory addresses I'm not sure of.

That logger was tested on m500 and m505
need OS4.0, as an author wrote to me.

I have no loger and palm yet

how much such used palm may cost in the US?

That guy if from Moscow, you can email him.
I found the link in Russian Forum

Hey guys, if you were having problems, try downloading it and installing it again. He wrote it to check for Palm v4.0, and I have 3.5. He modified it, and it seems to work fine now with 3.5, but I have to do more testing!


Staff member
Jul 29, 2002
Chicago, IL
You can get old Palms for less than $20 USD sometimes. I have one that I've been trying to GIVE away. I'd send it to you, but I think that the shipping to Khabarovsk would be more than the Palm itself is worth.

Jeff: Sounds like we'll need an OS upgrade. (Pocketlogger runs on 3.0 and higher).


Staff member
Jul 29, 2002
Chicago, IL
quote:- Removed call to BmpGetBitsDepth unavalable prior to PalmOS 4.
(thanks to Jeff Oberholtzer)
You're an international man of mitsubishi.

hey Ryan, you can give me your palm
If you wanna ship it to romik I was looking up shipping for him fro 93's and it was only like 35 bucks for the headlights.

Ok now I see the point in that big wire diagram. That's a diagram for the chip that will translate so the Palm can read it. f***. How hard is that to make?

quote:Originally posted by dsmsleeper:
Has anyone gotten this to work on OS 3.3? I keep getting a fatal exception error.
Are you sure you loaded version "C"? I'm running 3.5.2 on my M105, and its OK now that I upgraded from version B. He removed the check for OS4.0.

quote:Originally posted by mixx2001:
How hard is that to make?
The cables are cheap, and available from several sources, including a couple guys on this list. I install one INSIDE the ECU for people ($35) when I'm doing the free caps, and I include notebook and PDA adapters. Just get a project box and the parts from Digikey or Jameco if you're half decent with a soldering iron. Don't even THINK about directly connecting your PDA to the diagnostic port, if you like your PDA ;-)

I knew you would have some info for me, Jeff. How do I come up with the part numbers/discriptions to order from digikey?

Or can someone sell me a cable? Man, I'm dyin' to know what kind of knock sum's I'm dealing with.

Has anyone gotten this to work on OS 3.3? I keep getting a fatal exception error.

What kind of cable is he talking about. How do I make that?

I have a DB9 serial cable that I'm trying to use for my Pocketlogger. On his site he said:

"When pin (10) is shorted to ground (12) ECU enters diagnostic mode. In this mode pin (1) is used to exchange diagnostic data with a scan tool. Serial communication is done using 1920 baud, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, TTL levels. I used the following RS-232 adapter"

Is this info be the same for the cable I have? For instance, I cut the connector off one end and stripped the outside insultation. Can I just put the red wire to the fuse panel, and the blue wire to pin (1), with a wire going from pin (10) to pin (12) for ground?

The guy gives you the complete schematic there, although those are not the exact same parts I use:
a Maxum MAX233, 2N2222A transistor, a 78L05 voltage regulator, a couple .1 uF caps, a couple 10K 1/8 watt resistors, and I think thats a 1N914 diode (its hard to read). There are several similar schematics floating around out there. I actually use the MAX202, with a MOSFET transistor and a Schottky diode.

"I'm dyin' to know what kind of knock sum's I'm dealing with."

Why don't you just put in my new chip with the knock sum gauge? ;-)

wow this is a techy thread...any one know how to repair an ecu that sees the clutch as being engaged al the time?(TMO stage 3)

here is a run down of my trouble shooting
clutch cable--replaced
switch replaced
ecu swaped-goes away
my ecu back in returns--ugh!!!
my ecu with buddies chip--still does
my chip in his car--in his ecu--no prob
his chip in my ecu--ugh!!

this is how I figure the ecu has issues

any know the intimacies of the ECU to fix?


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2001
Vacaville, CA
have anyone follow the diagram and made a working one? I made one, but seems like there is no data going through the cable, the diagnostic port on 1G is white, and our car is black right? and the pin number on there is different also right? coz I have PIN 9, but in the pic, there is no pin 9, and I have pin 5 also, which I don't see in the pic on the site, I don't have a multimeter right now for some reason, so I can't really check what is up with the data on the port, so anyone got any idea? Thanks
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