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Mater/slave cylinder rebuild


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2002
central Indiana
quote:Originally posted by GVR-4:
Is that "new one" meaning slave cylinder? Or "new one" meaning slave cylinder piston?

Sorry, you can get a better slave by buying a new one.

quote:Originally posted by ayvr4:
This is where i just got mine, but my friggin clutch went the day after i installed it (a few days ago). is this a good master and slave for our cars?????? i asked before i bought it and it seemed like yes,
but someone tell me, could this be what toasted my 4 month old clutchmaster 2500lb clutch???

I love my GVR4 so much and she keeps doing this to me, i cant take it anymore! she has been draining all of my money for the last 2 years! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Ok, i feel better. had to let that out.

I bought both there a few months ago for #782. They said that they get them from the same place as Mitsu. -They just cut out the middle man.

Mine has been draining me for about 5 years. I keep thinking it will get better. Then I take it for a drive and the bad memories fade.

quote:Originally posted by gvr4ever:
Also, you can upgrade to a slighly larger piston for the slave if you buy a new one instead of a rebuild kit. I don't know the part number. I just know I have it
Do you mean the piston is wider or longer? If it's wider, wouldn't that be bad, ie have more crossface area, hence take more fluid to push it out the same distance, hence more pedal travel? I bought a new one and put it in about a month ago, and the piston was the same size as the stocker.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2002
central Indiana
Well, here is my story. When I went to rebuild mine, I just went to a local store. I was in a hurry. I got the part, but the cylinder was too big. Maybe just a mm, but the bitch wouldn't fit. I tried a yet another chain thinking it was just a mistake, but I got the same problem. At this point I called up the dealer, gave them my vin number and ordered the rebuild kit.

I thought for sure I had it. Nope, too big. On the mitsu part, the stocker piston in green and I got a pink one that was just a tad too big to fit in the stock slave. Well, I had to fix my leaky problem cause this car was used to get to work. No backup. I just ordered a whole new one. When I did, it came with the pink cylinder.

I have no ideal why no one (even Mitsu) could not match the stock piston on a rebuild kit. It's only maybe 1, 1.5mm bigger, but when you are tring to rebuild the slave with a bigger piston, it seems a lot bigger.

To this day, I don't know why there is a green (smaller piston) and a pink (bigger piston) for the slave cylinders or why even the dealer with the VIN couldn't get the right part to me.

I can only guess that the stocker is NLA.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2002
central Indiana
The slave is easy to rebuild, hard to find the correct rebuild kit.

The master be a bitch, but you save alot of money compared to buying a brand new one.

Also, you can upgrade to a slighly larger piston for the slave if you buy a new one instead of a rebuild kit. I don't know the part number. I just know I have it

I just rebuilt a master a few days ago. It took about 15 minutes (includes cleaning). I haven't done the slave yet, but should be easy (if Josh sent me the right one
) The price for both rebuild kits is about $40.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
This is where i just got mine, but my friggin clutch went the day after i installed it (a few days ago). is this a good master and slave for our cars?????? i asked before i bought it and it seemed like yes,
but someone tell me, could this be what toasted my 4 month old clutchmaster 2500lb clutch???

I love my GVR4 so much and she keeps doing this to me, i cant take it anymore! she has been draining all of my money for the last 2 years! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Ok, i feel better. had to let that out.


I just went to rebuild mine, and my stock piston is green, the one from the rebuild kit is red and smaller. It's seems to be too small to work right. Hmm...


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
did you just put that master & slave in as is, or did you do anything special to it??


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2002
San Diego, CA, USA
My slave is leaking as well. I bleed the clutch and it is beutifull. A few days later and it is sh*t again, it won't disinguage fully. Is it worth it to source a used one, rebuild it then just drop it in?

Has anyone got the right size piston for their rebuild? If so, where did you get it from?



Well-known member
Aug 6, 2002
central Indiana
quote:Originally posted by dsmsleeper:
I just went to rebuild mine, and my stock piston is green, the one from the rebuild kit is red and smaller. It's seems to be too small to work right. Hmm... Yikes. Maybe that is from a Galant GSX or something. Did you order that using your VIN#?

I had to change mine, so i just bought a new one. I didn't pay much, how much is it usually in your area for a job like that.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2002
Asheville, NC USA
After all the uncertainty, my plan is to buy a new slave cylinder and a rebuild kit for the master. I still plan on doing the mod for each.


quote:Originally posted by gvr4ever:
quote:Originally posted by dsmsleeper:
I just went to rebuild mine, and my stock piston is green, the one from the rebuild kit is red and smaller. It's seems to be too small to work right. Hmm... Yikes. Maybe that is from a Galant GSX or something. Did you order that using your VIN#?
I got it from Josh (Conicelli). To rebuild the slave and master is very easy. The slave rebuild kit is around $8 from partznet. I forget the price on the master...maybe $26?

well crap.
I bought a rebuild kit and it had a green piston (larger than the one on the car). The car had a smaller pink piston. Seems like this is the mystery of the slave cyclinder rebuild kits. I put the one I had back together and removed the clutch restrictor. so far its the same amount of pedal play. im not sure what people are referring to when they removed the restrictor.


I've rebuilt several slaves and they are cake. Make sure you break the glaze with a hone for a minute or so. As for the size issue, I copied this from my old website:

"91 GVR4 and 2gs use a larger bore clutch release cylinder than the 92 GVR4s and 1g turbos(20.64 vs 19.05mm). This means that clutch pedal movment for the 91 GVR4 will be softer and require more pedal travel to disengage than the 92 GVR4s. This should be a simple upgrade for anyone having clutch release problems. As soon as I do it myself, this tip will be updated. P/N for 1g turbo clutch release cylinder is MD733623. I have not yet been able to establish if the clutch master cylinders are different since both have different part numbers due to the different clutch fluid reservoirs. The shop manual also doesn't mention clutch master cylinder inside diameter for GVR4s or 2gs."

I need to update that...


The 92 model year had the smaller piston slave and the 91 has the smaller piston. I rememer that the 92 was about 8% smaller than the 91 but dont remember the dimentions exactly but I beleive they were 11/16 and 3/4. prob the green and pink thing. If you got the wrong one with the vin someone prob put in the wrong diameter one in it so when they look it up by vin it will be wrong so it may not be the parts guys fault.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2002
Richmond Va,
so is the 91 more copasetic to having no release problems or is the 92 the whole explanation of that was confusing to me.
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