Well-known member
This battery tray bolts on where the stock air can used to sit (uses the mounting). Please make sure your IC piping/bov will clear it. For $45 shipped + 3% paypal fee you get a STAINLESS STEEL tray and a holdown. Oh yeah it comes polished too for the bling. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
This tray is really for an Interstate Tractor battery dcs-33h (cost about $65) but I'm sure you'll be able to fit similar or a little bigger type of batteries like odesseys etc.
For installation pics pls. check out Steve's post. web page
This tray is really for an Interstate Tractor battery dcs-33h (cost about $65) but I'm sure you'll be able to fit similar or a little bigger type of batteries like odesseys etc.
For installation pics pls. check out Steve's post. web page