Quoting DR1665:
Loosely Related:
Can the factory e-brake cable be extended? Or could the handle be removed and a second fulcrum be installed closer to the center stack?
quick sketch:
I'm thinking I might snag another e-brake handle and base, cut a couple feet of the cable out with it, and then graft the two together. I want the e-brake handle to be directly beside the steering wheel (3 o'clock) but do not want to drop a couple hundred bucks on an overkill second master and all that.
You could do it, just have to decide how you do it.
The two handbrake cables come out of the floor and join into a Y piece which is attached by a threaded rod to the base of handbrake lever (pivots at the base). I've got some photos of the junction in the lazy ass build thread.
If you take the cables to someone who does the rigging on/for boat sails they can either fabricate new or splice the old ones into longer cables.
Or you can use a coupling nut to join the factory threaded rod with a longer section of threaded rod. The problem with this is it requires the base of the handle to be near the original height.