comparing the power rack with no belt, and a manual rack is apples to oranges. you have something like 25-30% fewer turns which makes it way more difficult. it's 1.3 turns lock to lock difference IIRC.
I don't find the manual rack bad on corners except for really tight low speed back and forth- I definitely wouldn't want to AutoX it, but even with the caster bushings from whiteline (+1*) that make turn in a bit stiffer, it was still plenty easy to whip through corners with minimal effort. Over 35mph it doesn't get that mushy over-powered feeling either, which is kind of nice.
I simply haven't done it on my galant because i'm lazy and like power steering around town. but yeah, the manual rack is nowhere near that bad, your power rack is just messing with your brain. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hsught.gif