Anyone have the secret to taking the glass lens off of the headlight assembly? I poppoed the clips off and did a little prying only to chip the lip on the lens. Are they normally glued in or are they just wayyyy tight?
There is info if you search on it. You have to heat the housings up in an oven. Also, is a good source of info for headlight modding.
glued in...pop them in the oven for 25 min on the lowest setting (175 F IIRC) and pry it off with a flathead...just wear gloves as it tends to be a little messy (mine wasn't messy at all though)
aight good may be better off keeping it at 175 for 20 minutes...take em out and give them a shot (you need only a little pressure to separate them)...then if that doesn't work, 200* for 5 minutes and you should be straight
Thanks for the info. Any info on findingthe glue to reinstall the lens so they seal good and don't get condensation in them?
If you make sure you are very careful when you disassemble them you just have to reheat them in the oven and pop them back together ( as long as you have a good coating of the original sealant still on them ). Mine sealed perfectly using this method.
Took care of it last night. Everything went well and I have them back together. I did reheat them before I put them back together and I added alittle gray RTV. Looks like they sealed pretty good.
Thanks guys for your input.
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