Harry, I don't think I'd change anything for normal street use. Open track settings fall between the street and autox settings. A car optimized for autox will be twitchy and jumpy on a larger, higher speed track.
For as few miles as you put on your car, and if you are willing to put up with a little tire wear for better performance (or if you drive hard enough for it not to make a difference...), I might go a bit higher on the camber, maybe 2 to 2.5 degrees negative in front, but stay around 1.5 to 2 in the rear.
You can also toe out the front about 1/16". This will really sharpen turn in, but will make the car a bit twitchy and it will want to trammel/follow the grooves in the road. If the car is too much on an open track, turn the toe back down to zero. Leave the toe in the rear at zero.
I don't know how much caster the Tein's allow, but pretty much go for all you can get.
If you are real serious, find somebody with some wheel scales and use them to set your coil over heights/corner weights. Mike C. at DSS had some numbers somewhere on where to set your corner weights.
These setting will be a bit hard on tires if you do much highway driving, but should balance things out nicely on the track.