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big power help with 565


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
whats up I just got my turbo in the mail and I wanted to know some opinons on piston sizes. I am going to drive the car maybe 2 to 3 times a week....The turbo that I am going to be runnung is a gt40....Give me some of your opions I am also going to be running bc 280's and 1200cc injector and dsm link (V3) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
Portland OR,
whats up I just got my turbo in the mail and I wanted to know some opinons on piston sizes. I am going to drive the car maybe 2 to 3 times a week....The turbo that I am going to be runnung is a gt40....Give me some of your opions I am also going to be running bc 280's and 1200cc injector and dsm link (V3)

Not to be a Dick but this has been beaten to death. Just do a search and every thing you are looking for is there.

Really depends on what fuel you will be running it on. 8.5-9:1 if you're running in on mainly pump gas, 10:1 if it's gonna be race gas or E85.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
hey guys I think that I am going to go with 9-1 and go .20 over I don't want ot have too much lag and I have done research and I am going to go with that set up. Soon as I get my parts I will start posting pics and get it back together running with that nice new turbo....

I went with 9.5-1 on my stroker. Off-boost driving is wonderful. Throttle response for days and damn near insta-boost. But will limit boost if i dont run the meth. The engine is almost broke in and the tune isnt spot-on yet. A work in progress still.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
1457GVR4 what size turbo are you running...I am running into all kinds of issuses. Damn love my Gvr4.....Hey I have a question t4 twin scroll manild I have been looking and searching and I keep coming up with JH racing and I can't see were they are still doing any bus... and I found Ets and I can't even find a twin scroll t4 mani on there site..... I saw one on a evo fourm but that was about it..A top mount JMF or shear fab is like 1300.... I want to spend like 1000 at most on the manifold b/c I am going to have to buy the waste gates and they are not cheap...So holla if anyone knows anything thanks /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif

Talk to me about your setup.

That's my old GT40 you bought! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
well my head is built(ferra valves,hks springs,manley retainer,bc 280's 3rd gen lifters) egale H-beam rods manley piston 9:5:1 acl's arp's l19 head studs o-ring head and block soon v3 dsm link. JMF intake manifold and I want a Jhracing manifold twin scroll with twin 38mm. Fuel 1200cc to 1400cc injectors and some other stuff that I have to buy like fluidine balencer.....Ohhhh .020 over on the block and decked balanced oem MLS that is about it I guess and hks cam gears....I can't think I am on brake from work I am on my way back I will see what you think. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2003
Tacoma, WA
Shearer Fabrications makes a manifold that would probably work for you (top mount twin scroll T4) don't assume it will be cheap.

Honestly, you might want to put that GT40 to the side for a while until you get all the other stuff sorted out. Realistically, once you're at that size turbo, questions about which manifold, piston, etc should either have obvious answers, or the question should be a lot more pointed and detailed.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
well I understand the gt40 being it's size and what power it is capable of I understand what I would like to do.....I have been building my 7g galant for a long time and I am not in a big rush to finish it so all my parts that I was going to put on my 7g is going on my 6g....So long story short I have been doing this for a while and I will do it right one time only. I really want to keep all my options open that is why I always ask question and I am always researching parts so I guess in the end I really know what I want I just think there is always better ways of doing things...but thank you for the sugguestion.

Screw dsmlink, you got a real turbo your gunna need real tuning.

Whats your trans/clutch/axles/brakes looking like? (They better be built too!)


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
okay I will check that site out. My drive train is oem. I am going to be getting the motor and stuff right before I take my tranny down I will do all the tranny work myself I just want to do things one at a time.....oh but I have a act 2600, fid fly wheel. that is it. I have also decided that I am going to sell my eagle rods and get gorden rods and my kiggly girdle and I am still making a decision on pistions...still thinkin

I ran eagles with no problems.

You don't *need huge, gangster, aluminum rods to make big power, chromoly is tough as hell.

The powerband on this turbo on a 2.0 is about 5k-9k.

Make sure that all of your components will spin that high. (Engine, trans, fuel system, wastegates,etc)

You have a lot of work ahead of you, if you don't want to be ultimately dissapointed by your new turbo purchase.

GT40>E316G , but if its not setup correctly the 16g's will walk by you.

I hope your in for the long haul...


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
wow thank you.....I never thought that is was that serious..I am doing this b/c I love dsm's and I like cars....I have been in it this long with my other two galants (7g,8g) I guess that I will continue. Oh yeah my only problem with my bottom end is my rods I don't trust them so I guess I am going to get rid of them..and get gordoan rod simple as that....I don't like some thing and I am going to change and fix it......It's okay I won't tell (I love you) You can always be my friend.....This is what I love to do and that is it.......either help me like the thread says or don't post at all thanks..... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/uhh.gif on the "Love you" part

But glad to help! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Blairstown, NJ
Well 638 and I will both tell you that DS-Map is about $500 or so better than DSMlink, seeing as it works just as well and is free software. Personally, I will always take speed density over a maf sensor.

Neither is a stand-alone system, they are both just remapped stock ecu. Just about everyone that talks about a standalone ECU is referring to a haltec, motec, or AEM system. Generally a universal ECU that can be put on anything and needs to be tuned from scratch and has every variable adjustable.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
Winston-Salem, NC
wow so it is a speed density system.... I am going to have to do some research on this....I have delt with link and it was okay....I am going to check them out so I can get a better understanding....And thank you for the help
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