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Alternator Wiring pic


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2004
Chicago Suburbs, IL
I don't have a pic, but this describes some of the wires from the Saturn alternator swap.

1) Make/Model/Year these alternators are found on.
These alternators are found on any Saturn from 91 to 97 with 1.9L (I think they all have 1.9L, and 98 and 99 years may work also)

2) 1g/2g wiring for the alternator
(1G)The 1G connector is a 2 wire just like the saturn alternator. The large yellow wire goes to the F terminal(black wire on the saturn connector).
The small black wire goes to the L terminal(black with white stripe wire on saturn connector).

(2G) The 2g connector has 4 wires, but you will only use the 2 middle wires! The Red wire (Field Wire) goes to the F terminal(Blackwire on the saturn connector).
The black with yellow stripe wire(light wire) goes to the L terminal (Black with white stripe wire on the saturn connector)

NOTE: The Red wire on the 2g connector has 12 volts even with the key off. Unhook your battery before doing this!

Also, the saturn plug sometimes has Brown wires and not black, but the terminals are marked on the plug, and the alternator case. You will be using the 2 middle terminals only. L(light) and F(field)

3) Recommended gauge charge wire and fuse to use when using these alternators
If you use the stock Saturn (96) amp, then you can use your stock power wire.
STOCK (96 AMP) - use 10 guage(stock) charge wire.
HIGH AMP(160 AMP) Manufacturer recommends 4 gauge charge wire.
HIGH AMP(200 AMP) Manufacturer recommends 4-2 gauge charge wire.
(If you buy a high amp alternator, they will let you know The proper alternator fuse for your application)


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2004
Las Vegas
Its all good we got the car running. And Ricky is heading to Cali as we speak.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2004
Las Vegas
Not sure exactly but we just put the bolt-on-wire on the other bolt from the alt (opposite from the autozone marked one) and made sure nothing was touching and it worked just fine. Then we had the the new one tested and it showed the battery was bad so Ricky got another one and everything checked out fine.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005
Iowa City, IA
Quoting GVR4_1057:
What is the reason for a Saturn alt? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

It generates more than 50% more AMPs than the stocker. It's also usually about half the price. You pretty much have to rewire a connector and grind a couple spots on the block and alternator to use it. So...

Moar powerz.
Relatively simple install.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
Fort Collins CO
Sorry to bring this up at such a later date but I have a similar question. Has anyone with the Alt relocation kit tracked down the non power wires to see where they go to to get rid of the extra wire when changing it to the back of the engine? I just don't want the wire going in front of or underneath the engine to get power and the voltage regulator to get sent to the new position. I know the power goes to the mini fuse which is easy but what about the other to the voltage regulator?
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