Quoting Terry Posten:
It was not to easy to even get the old boots out of the head. The wires just pulled right out of the boots.
I hate that!
A little silicone di-electric grease works wonders for helping the next guy out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
It's available in packets at the check out at most chain stores.
It's also available in squeeze tubes, or in a tub for people who wrench a lot.
Just put a little on the tip of a small screwdriver, and wipe inside the boot.
You can also wipe an old plug clean, put a little on the ceramic of the plug, and insert the plug into the wire to get the boot lubricated.
A little on the coil end boot will complete the job, and you will be able to remove and replace the wires for the life of the car without damage or undue strain during plug service.
A gentle twist back and forth on the boot top whilst pulling up, and they come right out.
Take care to not strain the wire, and remove them all with the wire guides attached to minimise the possibility of breaking the outer insulation. The heat of a turbo engine compartment will kind of bake them and they will take a set. The least you bend them against their natural curve, the happier they will be.
I've always felt that many people's predijucies against this brand or that is more about poor installation technique...any plug wire will pull apart if not correctly installed. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif