Quoting jepherz:
I'd agree with you polish, but he also mentions he'd like to go oversize. Normally "rebuilt" just means replacing the seals.
I also soaked mine, got all the grime off, cleaned/tested the sensors, readjusted them to give proper readings, MADE SURE IT WAS GROUNDED (Gtluke ftw), new seals, cleaned the spring deal (It was caked with crap), and so on.
I saw the oversize mention but I think it's a waste and very dangerous, not worth the risk imho. People here and on the DSMlink board have had the screws come out and F the motor, not cool.
Just my .02.
Nothing wrong with Steve and many people use his service, I just don't see it as needed. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif