ok here is how i did it, i was going to do a write up next week but here is a little preview for you
ok you go to home depot and buy this steel bracket
cut a 5 inch long piece like so
ok use two wheels to help with this part. basically you slide the bumper on without any braket. push as far up and as far back as possible for nice tight fit and have a freind hold in place
now while your friend holds its slide under place your 5 inch bracket here like so
now from on top mark the beam on the car like this
now you can drill an extra hole(S) ( i used one of the original holes) and from the inside of the beam while holding the bracket lined up with the mark you drew you can mark the bracket for the holes.
now bolt it up
do the exact same thing for the opposite side. and now you will be able to slide your bumper on. again push as far back and as far up as possible. and all that is left to do is mark and drill this top holes that will bolt to the bumper support
and done!