none of them.. i think its like a 200CCA battery,
An Odyssey battery's part number denotes it's cranking amps, and although it varies by model the cold cranking amperage is about 37% of that. I used to run an Odyssey 925 (380 CCA), and then "downgraded" to a 625 (265 CCA) when I got the RRE IC pipes and decided to put it in the trunk (the 925 was in the stock intake location). I didn't notice any difference at all in starting the car, even with the smaller battery and much longer wiring (though I used welding cable instead of normal wire; much better). One difference between Odyssey's and other batteries is that any rated cranking output of the battery is the minimum able to be maintained by a fully charged battery for 5 seconds, whereas others may list only the peak output. The 625 can maintain 400 hot cranking amps over 30 seconds. Plus the Odyssey's can be fully discharged and recharged over 400 times, which is incredible. Any normal battery would suffer severe plate scarring long before that. I got a second Odyssey 625 to run in parallel, thinking that the one might not be enough, but haven't put it in as I have no need for it. However, if one is planning on putting in big stereo stuff /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/uhh.gif or running an inverter or other such things, I'd think about going with a larger Optima or other battery as the Odysseys as mentioned don't have a whole lot of reserve capacity. But c'mon, the damn thing weighs only 15 lbs. /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/worthy.gif I got my first one off ebay for about the same price as above, and picked up the second one "locally" at Batteries Plus for I think about $80.