OK, here's an update on this frickin car...... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif I read another post on here where someone else was having similar issues, & the coolant temp sensor was recommended to him as well. That seemed to cure his problem, so today I checked it. Sure enough, the wires going into the plug were all cracked & exposed. So, I put another sensor in from #733/1000, & I also cut the plug off & used nice fresh small female spaid connectors & shrink wrapped it up all nice. Still no start!! Backing up a little, this week I have also changed the CAS, coil pack, & power TR unit. When going to change the CAS, I noticed the nut holding the side where the brace is was loose (the brace that goes to the throttle body). The other nut was tight, & the CAS didn't appear to have been moving at all, but I thought I had found the problem. NOPE! My problem now is that I have had the 2 different CAS on it a couple times, & since it won't start I have no idea if it is on correct or 180* backwards. What sucks is now with everything else I try, I have to pull the CAS & rotate it just to make sure I don't rule anything out. Now, these parts I am using are from my other GVR4, #733/1000. This car has been sitting for many years & is pretty much a parts car at this point, but I figured what's the chances of it's parts being bad too....I don't know, maybe one of them is, I just have no idea which one. So, I'm not sure where to go from here. I do want to try a new coolant temp sensor, but my local auto parts stores don't have any in stock. Plus, the picture they show for it doesn't match what the OEM one looks like. Any ideas on this? Should I wait & get it from the dealer? Problem is the nearest Mitsu dealer is like 2 hours from here.... I also want to try another ECU just in case. I know that when my original ECU took a dump it had similar symptoms. The ECU that is in the car now is also from #733, but it has a sticker on it saying it was rebuilt in 2000. I just took it out of the car & took a look inside....no trademark fishey smell or obvious board damage, but who knows. This car has me soooo pissed off right now.....it sure makes me miss the Miata autocross car I had. I was so excited to get this project going this week & do things like changing the brakes, re-routing the intercooler & pipes, change the turbo, etc.....all to get it ready to win autocrosses....but now I have wasted a week chasing a gremlin with no end in sight, I could have almost been done with everything else by now /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif This car is about to get parted out & I'm going to buy another Miata.......