Well-known member
Note: I did not write these instructions, I am merely passing on the knowledge to you guys /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Welcome to the new Mitsubishi Aftersales Support Application It's an updated version of CAPS, but more powerful in it's searching capabilities. For example you can see what cars share parts in a single click! No more guess work!
**If you're running VISTA, there's a fix at the bottom for you**
Here is the download link ASA link
The files you want to download are the ones under:
"Mitsubishi ASA Japan (MMC ASA)
MMC ASA catalog of parts for all models of Mitsubishi Japanese market.
Updates via the Internet."
The password for the archives is "" (without quotations)
Once you've downloaded and extracted the two ISO files. Just mount them (with Daemon tools) or burn them with Nero or something similar.
Run disc A and choose "Setup". The program will start to install and you will get this first screen:
Choose "English UK", click OK
Next screen:
Check the "HASP HL" box, make sure nothing else is checked.
Next screen (after the HASP HL drivers are installed):
Choose "Custom Install"
Next screen:
Choose your hard drive to install to, then check "Single User (Full) - Recommended"
Click NEXT
The program will install.
Once this is installed, DO NOT start the program or it will give you an error message.
You need to crack it.
Browse your ASA Jap Disc A and find the "Crack" folder. Copy the file mmData.dll to this folder:
x:\MMC\ASA\M00\PROG\ (where "x" is the drive you installed to)
Then double click and run the MMC.REG file to update your registry.
The program will now work.
It works practically the same as CAPS and it works with Vista after you apply the fix below.
With x64 Vista you will need to change the registry key that is being entered. Just open it up in notepad (right click, open with, choose notepad)
When inside, one line will say [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Licenses\], just change that to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Licenses\] and save it, should work after that.
the program is a 32 bit application, therefore runs in vista 64's 32 bit shell, which is kept separate to all the 64 bit stuff. just like you have a Program Files and a Program Files (x86) folder in x64.
For Vista x32 there would be a similar fix, but I haven't worked it out yet.
** I did not write these instructions, they were posted on by Liberoz **
Short version of the instructions as written by Legume of the same forum...
1) extract file from rar. password: do both flies A and B
2) mount disc A to magikdisc and run
3) select english
4) select HASP HL
5) select custom install
6) select single user (full) --> next
7) program will install but dont run until crack is installed
when disc 2 is asked for I unmount disc 1, mount disc 2 then click continue.
Browse mounted disc A and find the "Crack" folder.
Copy the file "mmData.dll" and drop it into the "PROG" folder
8) browse mounted A disc and open CRACK folder
Then double click and run the MMC.REG file to update your registry.
The program will now work.
Welcome to the new Mitsubishi Aftersales Support Application It's an updated version of CAPS, but more powerful in it's searching capabilities. For example you can see what cars share parts in a single click! No more guess work!
**If you're running VISTA, there's a fix at the bottom for you**
Here is the download link ASA link
The files you want to download are the ones under:
"Mitsubishi ASA Japan (MMC ASA)
MMC ASA catalog of parts for all models of Mitsubishi Japanese market.
Updates via the Internet."
The password for the archives is "" (without quotations)
Once you've downloaded and extracted the two ISO files. Just mount them (with Daemon tools) or burn them with Nero or something similar.
Run disc A and choose "Setup". The program will start to install and you will get this first screen:
Choose "English UK", click OK
Next screen:
Check the "HASP HL" box, make sure nothing else is checked.
Next screen (after the HASP HL drivers are installed):
Choose "Custom Install"
Next screen:
Choose your hard drive to install to, then check "Single User (Full) - Recommended"
Click NEXT
The program will install.
Once this is installed, DO NOT start the program or it will give you an error message.
You need to crack it.
Browse your ASA Jap Disc A and find the "Crack" folder. Copy the file mmData.dll to this folder:
x:\MMC\ASA\M00\PROG\ (where "x" is the drive you installed to)
Then double click and run the MMC.REG file to update your registry.
The program will now work.
It works practically the same as CAPS and it works with Vista after you apply the fix below.
With x64 Vista you will need to change the registry key that is being entered. Just open it up in notepad (right click, open with, choose notepad)
When inside, one line will say [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Licenses\], just change that to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Licenses\] and save it, should work after that.
the program is a 32 bit application, therefore runs in vista 64's 32 bit shell, which is kept separate to all the 64 bit stuff. just like you have a Program Files and a Program Files (x86) folder in x64.
For Vista x32 there would be a similar fix, but I haven't worked it out yet.
** I did not write these instructions, they were posted on by Liberoz **
Short version of the instructions as written by Legume of the same forum...
1) extract file from rar. password: do both flies A and B
2) mount disc A to magikdisc and run
3) select english
4) select HASP HL
5) select custom install
6) select single user (full) --> next
7) program will install but dont run until crack is installed
when disc 2 is asked for I unmount disc 1, mount disc 2 then click continue.
Browse mounted disc A and find the "Crack" folder.
Copy the file "mmData.dll" and drop it into the "PROG" folder
8) browse mounted A disc and open CRACK folder
Then double click and run the MMC.REG file to update your registry.
The program will now work.