Well, he IS in the Netherlands, the land of pot smoking cantinas...
You've got a point /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
But the weed laws in the Netherland suck big time... I don't smoke, no weed or nothing, but just isn't right. In other country's they just say; NO WEED,NOT BREEDING THOSE PLANTS,AND NOT SELLING IT.
In the netherlands they say, You may buy it and sell it, but EVERYONE MAY JUST GROW 3 OF THOSE WEED PLANTS.
And those coffeeshops then? They are also only allowed to have 3 plants. So the delivery to those coffeeshops is illegal, unless they buy those weed from 4000 different people, and from everyone just 3 plants. So the laws here a just f*cked up.
3 dollar a liter gasoline. Do i need to say more?
But back ontopic. I've never seen pics of that "air cleaning system". Does anyone have pics of that?