Ok, I did a bit of research on these items ( GL-4, GL-5, and ZDDP ) since it's Saturday and raining here in Japan.
First GL-4 vs GL-5. The rumor and my understanding has been that SOME GL-5 rated gear oils can be harmful to the brass bushing on the syncros in our era MMC trannies. Keywords are non-ferrous metals ( brass, bronze, aluminum ), EP/AW/SP additives, and all are detailed nicely here
click and here
Next the ZDDP additive. ZDDP has been around for awhile but was found to react poorly with catalytic converters ( degrades certain catalyst material and produces minute amounts of EPA rated "nasty" emissions ). When, somewhat discreetly, the EPA required a reduction of ZDDP in engine oils there was notice of some flat tappet ( non-roller ) lifter failures during new/rebuilt engine break-in. The missing/reduced ZDDP was identified as the likely culprit thus the ZDDP additives hit the market. Lots of good articles on ZDDP via Google if not alread bored by this by now.
Summary, the higher levels of compounds that are known to negatively affect brass bearing materials ( which are used in our trannies ) in some GL-5 rated lubricants is present in ZDDP. Adding ZDDP would IMHO cause accelerated wear on the syncro bushings and make our already grind-prone boxes worse.