That sucks. I was somehow lucky enough to end up with a really clean one out of a 1G DSM. I don't know where the car was from that it came out of but even the alignment adjustment bolts were clean and rust free.
these things are cheap from the factory brand new why not buy one?? with the money and time you spend trying to get that one back to "new like" you coul dhave a new one or two
Quoting Flip4G63:
these things are cheap from the factory brand new why not buy one?? with the money and time you spend trying to get that one back to "new like" you coul dhave a new one or two
i dont remember the price off the top of my head but it was being talked about on this forum a few days ago.. its well under the 200 mark range. for the whole sub frame to include new bushings and all. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
go to any MITSU dealer should be about 250.00+ tax or call JNZ they will hook you up, cant remember the part # also comes with the bushings so u save even more money.
Surprisingly the DSM crossmember is more, $264. What would the difference be? I'd be tempted to buy a new Galant crossmember for my Talon if it's only $183 and comes with new bushings.
The galant one has a couple extra brackets welded to it to hold some 4ws crap.
Thats nuts that they are that cheap.
On a side note I saw a new gen Camry on a flatbed coming back from being acid dipped. It seriously dumbfounded me for days that someone would want to do that. I'm still completely confused by it.
Surprisingly the DSM crossmember is more, $264. What would the difference be? I'd be tempted to buy a new Galant crossmember for my Talon if it's only $183 and comes with new bushings.
Also, while this should contain the bushings, the "stopper" between the subframe and car body is apparently not included (MB584140), nor is the bracket between the subframe and nut (MB584645).
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