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WTB: VR4 for winter beater (loving the AWD and power)

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this means I'm looking to spend no more than $2000

It doesnt' have to look perfect/pretty (dents/scratches/minimal rust o.k.)

BUT it must be reliable.

o.k. this should be interesting to see the responses.. lol

I disagree but we shall see what gets posted.

remember, i am o.k. with cosmetic eyesores.. bad paint, dents, some rust... but MUST be reliable (good upkeep on maintenance, etc.)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
Good luck in your search but you are not going to find a perfectly maintained DD worthy GVR4 for 2k. Take a look around the for sale ad's for ones in good shape and note the prices. They don't come cheap, if they do it's because they are piles.

If you want a nice one with a few mods and in good mechanical and decent aesthetic shape I'd suggest Icemans VR4.

It is worth the cost in my opinion but way out of your range.
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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2007
Aurora IL
you're entitled to opinion, but as suggested above it seems improbable.

I troll the FS a lot, and don't see what I'd consider reliable DD's for $3k much less $2k. The trend seems to be that $2k cars need some form of major work, $3k cars minor work, $4k gets you into something solid & trustworty, and it's motors & mods from there.

well, then I guess I won't be buying one.

A good friend of mine just sold his for $3500 and it was very reliable (I even contemplated buying it).. it had some cosmetic issues (got keyed on one side, needed a new fender and hood) and paint wasnt in the best shape but mechanicaly it was very sound.. it only needed front brake pads.

I would consider $2500 if it's very close by and not modded out, badly maintainted.

It's o.k.

It was a thought but there is simply no way I'm going to pay $4k or more for a 91 or 92 car when I can get a $500 FWD beater again easily enough (I had a 90 celica for one winter, it cost me $500 cash, and all I did was buy a battery, oil change and headlight).. kept it 3 months and sold it for $1000.. lol

I thought I'd try.. doesn't hurt to try.

sorry guys but I don't see it as THAT special in the end. enjoy your cars!

PM sent, talk to me on AIM at cman2770 to make it a little easier.

PMed you.. LMK


Thanks for the visit.

lol.. hey, one of your own posted this in the newbee section where I first posted.. pretty much makes me want to run....

"- 1 on getting one.

these guys are all obsessed and have biased opinions.

I've never spent so much money on a car in such a short period of time, and I can only manage to work on them because I have small girlish hands. They break all the time, and they will attract the attention of 30 teenage grease monkeys for every 1 girl and she's going to be butch. Gas mileage is great, I've had a full tank in mine for a month. Because I can't drive a car that doesn't run. I've heard more stories about broken belts here than a infomercial for Jenny Craig."

delete? why.. what did you have to say?

I must say guys.. out of all the cars I've owned/bought/contemplated buying.. you are the least welcoming, least warm bunch..

I've owned a lot of cars and been on a lot of forums and not even the cheapskate neon crowd seems as bad as some of you with your nasty/negative comments!

You guys have a neat car.. interesting enough for me to contemplate it for a winter beater due to the AWD and decent stock power.. but not interesting enough to hang around people who just want to jump down my throat..

you make it sound like I am expecting a miracle.. so be it.. but I saw what a difficult time my friend had selling his.. he wanted $4500 but only got $3500 and it was the car that made me contemplate owning my own (I was impressed with the car that I knew very little about)

sorry guys but I'm much less impressed with your attitudes.. doesn't make me want to be considered part of your group.

Please start a new thread if truly interested in a vr-4. Please do some market research prior as well. Also guys if you don't have one to sell her don't reply. This thread is done.
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