Quoting adamvr4:
I'm in installing my t-case and i cant seem to get it all the way on. it goes on half way and stops. I'm moving it up, down, sideways while trying to push it on. I even tried to put the bolts in to start it. The bolts reach, but not enough to start tightening. Does anybody know a trick to get it all the way on or am i doing something wrong?
It should never be that hard to get one on. You need to definetly take it back off, and acess the situation. It should just slide on and off with barely any force at all.
I too was going to suggest the spline count, so let us know exactly what you are working with.
I have had the splined hole get a lot of rust in them before, just because they sat around for a while. If it is a matter of just rusty build up, then shoot some carb cleaner in there to get what ever grease you have slatherd on it, and then get yourself some WORKS toilet-bowl cleaner, and fill the splined hole up with it and let it set for 10 - 15 minutes. Rinse and repeat as necessary. This will get the rust out. You could use a stronger acid like muratic acid, but you just have to be carefull with it. It works alot faster than the toilet bowl cleaner tho. Also, make sure that the splined shaft is also cleaned, and has no rust on it.