OK so I just bought a bunch of these for my oil cooler and fuel system. I made my oil lines tonight for the oil cooler. I install them both and one isn't to my liking. I have lots of -8 left so I cut a new one which I like much better. As I start to take apart the fittings on the previous line they basically self destroy. All the inner threads stripped. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif Theres like 20$ down the drain. I thought AN fittings were reusable? I am guessing most are but this is the price I pay for buying the "cheap" ones. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
I am going to stop at the local race shop on the way home tomorrow and get replacements. The thing is I have to assemble a few fuel lines and I am assuming I have to get them all right on the first try or else the fittings are ruined. I mean they went together fine, the last few turns were fairly hard but I kind of expected that. I tightened them until there was a small gap as suggested by many posts I have read. Thoughts?
Edit- Just looked on the Summit site. Re-read the fine print. The Aeroquip brand 20$ 90 degree fitting says "Reusable", the 13$ Summit brand 90 degree fitting, does NOT. I just assumed they would all be the same. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif Oh well, I ASSumed wrong as usual.
I am going to stop at the local race shop on the way home tomorrow and get replacements. The thing is I have to assemble a few fuel lines and I am assuming I have to get them all right on the first try or else the fittings are ruined. I mean they went together fine, the last few turns were fairly hard but I kind of expected that. I tightened them until there was a small gap as suggested by many posts I have read. Thoughts?
Edit- Just looked on the Summit site. Re-read the fine print. The Aeroquip brand 20$ 90 degree fitting says "Reusable", the 13$ Summit brand 90 degree fitting, does NOT. I just assumed they would all be the same. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif Oh well, I ASSumed wrong as usual.
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