CAR IS SOLD TO ME!!!!!!! /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/grin.gifMotor looks pretty clean. Has a leak from the valve cover gasket, Trans was leaking and found 6 bolts missing from the case(!!!!!), input seal on T-case leaks. Has boost issue- hits like 22psi on WOT w/o controller. Already replaced TB, 1g aftermarket short shifter, fixed exhaust leaks. AWS works great. Had to bleed P/S to get it right. Had a slight pulsation when picked up tuesday.
Found a TON of sh*t loose. Valve cover was like hand tight, i/c pipes were super loose, downpipe nut gone, trans bolts GONE- Makes me nervous- so its coming out!!!!
PLANS: Since I am DD-ing this beast, I'm pulling the motor this week and building a 2g piston/1g rod bottom with parts I have from a old GSX. Brand new Mildly ported head, multi layer gasket and B/S eliminator. Tranny has to be at the least resealed, but I have a TRE with some nice upgrades that just needs 2-3rd synchros- so I may combined both with new syncros, gvr4 1st gear, and speed design center diff.
Tring to have all done and ready for daily abuse by January.