Even with the fuel stabilizer, make sure that the tank is full. That keeps moisture buildup to a minimum. Either put it on jackstands or mount up tires that you were going to throw away anyway, as there's a good chance they could develop flat spots from sitting that long. If you'll be periodically rolling it around then you can disregard that.
I've never heard about cracking the windows before, but if it will have a cover over it that seems like a good idea. I'd also put some of those dryer beads in the car, the ones that suck up moisture. You don't want to come back to find mildew in the car. They're not hard to find, but if you have trouble check a RV (caravan to you guys?) store as they stock stuff for stored vehicles like that.
Also, if you hang a new air freshener in the car, the scent will permeate the carpet, seats and headliner and the car will smell like it for a LONG time, well after you throw the freshener away. That's good if you like the smell and bad if you don't. Maybe also condition the leather so it doesn't dry out and crack.