As we all know, Ryan is the guy making the key fobs for us all...they look awesome, and just to prove how cool ryan is here's my little story... I sent him 10 cash in the mail, bad idea, I though if I tossed it in with a few peices of paper like it was a letter I wouldn't have any problems. Well that was almost 2 weeks ago and the money never made it to Ryan. I pm'ed him saying I'd send a money order, he's spending his own time and effort to make these fobs, I think huge round of applause
should go out to Ryan and his fobs !
what a great group of people we have here on this board !
thanks ryan !!!
[ 07-10-2004, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: turbogalant ]

what a great group of people we have here on this board !
thanks ryan !!!
[ 07-10-2004, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: turbogalant ]