It can be done by cranking the problem is that you at still spining the crank, rods, cams, and so on with little to no oil pressure until the pumps starts working. To me this somewhat defeats the purpose of priming the motor. Plus the oil pump isn't moving very fast so the oil pressure that does build is very low. I will agree that it is better than just starting it and hoping for the best, but it is still not the ideal way to do it.
As stated above our oil pump doesn't pump air. If it is a new pump that has not been packed it will just suck air and never build oil pressure. If you are trying to prime it by just pulling the MPI I doubt it will spin over fast enough to build pressure at all.
All of these reasons are why I put a drill on the oil pump gear. It will spin the pump fast enough to create suction if it wasn't packed, it will also spin fast enough to get good oil pressure not just enough, and the best part is that it will feed all the bearing very well before the engine rotates at all.
Again just my opinion, but I wouldn't build a nice new motor and leave things any at all to chance.