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Parking lights off with ignition

On GGSXs and VR4s the headlights turn off when the ignition is off. Now on my 95 Corolla the headlights and parking lights go off when you turn off the ignition and then open the door. I have searched and I can't find anyone that has done a mod to turn the parking off when the key is out. I don't care about the door opening, unless its easy. I would think that a relay could be made to go between the parking lights and ignition on wire and then the lights could just be left on all the time, I just want to know if there is a better way or if it has been done before. Thanks.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2003
northlake in illinois
this would be a very interesting how to. i've discharged my battery so many times because i always forget to turn off the parking lights. the buzzer or chime is disabled in my car.


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2001
There is no lights-on-moron buzzer or chime in the Galant. There are instructions on how to wire one up at

I definately have forgotten about my lights.

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2003
northlake in illinois
haha ... owned the car 4 years and never even knew it actually did NOT have a buzzer/chime. i just figured the last owner got annoyed by it.

I drained my battery several times because of this same problem. So I wired up a warning buzzer with just a relay and a cheap chime from Radio Shack. If you turn the ignition off with the park lights still on the chime will warn you. Was very easy to do, I can post instructions if anybody cares. Little different then the VFAQ one since I didn't bother with the door switch.

Thanks for the info, but I don't want a chime or buzzer, I want to leave my lights on and have them turn off and on with the ignition(parking and headlights). I was just wondering if anyone had done this before. It seems like it would have been done before is the only reason I'm asking.

That wouldn't be hard to do. You just need to find the "tail light" relay in the box under the hood, then find which wire powers the relay (not the one that powers the lights themselves.) That wire will be a constant 12v regardless of ignition on or off. Simple way to do that is turn park lights on with ignition off, connect a test light to ground and then touch the probe to each terminal in the socket until you find the one with power. Remove that wire from the socket and replace it with a wire connected to a switched 12v source that only comes on when the ignition key is on.

*Edit: You should probably check the wire diagrams instead of using the test light as I said. Doing it with the test light you would find two hot connections, one that powers the relay and one that powers the lights.*
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I drained my battery several times because of this same problem. So I wired up a warning buzzer with just a relay and a cheap chime from Radio Shack. If you turn the ignition off with the park lights still on the chime will warn you. Was very easy to do, I can post instructions if anybody cares. Little different then the VFAQ one since I didn't bother with the door switch.

^^^Yes that would be excellent. I drained my battery down two weeks ago at the airport. Left the house it was dark, got to the airport it was light, didn't turn the lights _all_ the way off and because I parked outside because the parking garage was full didn't notice the parkers were still on. Got back 2 days later about 11:00 pm battery was flat dead. That is one thing I liked about my old Saab and my beater Volvo is _all_ the lights go off when you turn off the ignition.
Mike R.


Well-known member
May 28, 2003
so.... updates on this?

My EVO did it, my Lexus did it, the galant really needs to shut the runners off when i turn the key off, i've gotten waaaaay to used to being catered to /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
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