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No idle, oil and idiot lights

I've just replaced my engine (non turbo). Cold it's hesitant to start and I have to keep my foot on the gas pedal, if I do this it will run fine and even idle at about 1000. If I take my foot off it will die. Once warmed up it will idle with out my foot on the gas but it is easily stalled. I tried backing it out of the garage and it seems to want to stall very easily. To boot my oil light came on after a few minuts and the check engine light too. I believe the oil light might be a failed sender. What things should I check for the check engine light? I'm wondering if I should set the BISS, on my firewall there are two yellow wires, one with a green line and one with a red. I tried grounding the green as I was told that was the right one but it blew my ignition fuse /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif so now I'm scared to try grounding the other one. What other things could be the reason for some of my issues?

Hope that's clear.


Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
KC, Missouri
Before randomly grounding wires in the future, you should check for voltage first. I don't know the specific wire colors, but there is a fuel pump test wire in the same area on the firewall. If you grounded this, it was shorting out the power wire to the fuel pump. I'd start by fixing the oil problem. Then read the CEL code. You can do this in a few ways that you can search for on the board. You might as well know everything that the ECU knows before trying to fix things that aren't broken.

jepherz, thanks for the reply. Code:

Before randomly grounding wires in the future, you should check for voltage first.

I wouldn't say I randomly ground wires, I was given instructions on how to set the bis and I guess the guy was wrong. I rely heavily on my own reserch and what people tell me since I'm not a trained mechanic.

The CEL hadn't occured to me but I remember using it a few years back when the car was having issues. But without the net the mechanic and I couldn't figure it out. Just now I was reading through the codes and without even checking the car I can see the problem is that my O2 sensor isn't there, I have a bit of a frankinstien car and the motor doesn't have an o2 but the harness does. I will put a manifold with o2 on and see if it continues. I wonder if that is the reason for the idling problem too /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
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