I've just replaced my engine (non turbo). Cold it's hesitant to start and I have to keep my foot on the gas pedal, if I do this it will run fine and even idle at about 1000. If I take my foot off it will die. Once warmed up it will idle with out my foot on the gas but it is easily stalled. I tried backing it out of the garage and it seems to want to stall very easily. To boot my oil light came on after a few minuts and the check engine light too. I believe the oil light might be a failed sender. What things should I check for the check engine light? I'm wondering if I should set the BISS, on my firewall there are two yellow wires, one with a green line and one with a red. I tried grounding the green as I was told that was the right one but it blew my ignition fuse /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif so now I'm scared to try grounding the other one. What other things could be the reason for some of my issues?
Hope that's clear.
Hope that's clear.