Well-known member
I have been working on fixing and freshening up all of the wiring on my car. I started with the the chasis harness and removed, pin by pin, every wire that went to things that I will not be using on the car. I started in the trunk and worked my way forward. I removed the big harness plug that went to the ABS computer, the ABS sensor that is mount behind the spare tire and all of the wiring that goes with it. The ABS sensors mounted on all 4 spindles went too along with their wiring and even the wires to the old auto antenna. As I unwrapped the harnesses and pulled the wires through, I cleaned the the remaining wires and rewrapped everything. When all the unnecessary wires were exposed all the way up to the fuse box, I depinned each one to make it a very clean removal.
I dont have any pics of how the chassis harness looks now, because for the most part it remained in the car throughout the process. But I do have pics of the 6.5 lbs of wire that has been removed so far!
Next was the engine harness. It really needed some attention, especially in the problem area around the thremostat housing. So instead of just patching it up with some butt conectors and electrical tape, I opted to completely go through the entire harness and redo it. I was a huge pain in the ass, but I think in the end, it will be worth it. Instead of using the convoluted tubing type loom to cover my now non-crispy harness, I decided to use flame retardant expandable braided sleeving. I also ran each sensor's wires seperately from about the middle of the harness near where the firewall's stock grounding location was. This made it not as bulky and easier to route each wire in a way that will be more pleasing to the eye once it is back it the bay; I always hated the way the factory harness looked like it was just thrown across the bay and twisted in knots on top of the transmission near the battery. Anyway, here are the first pics. It is not entirely finshed, but it is close; I still have to repair 2 wires that I am waiting on parts for, and then melt the 2-layer heatshrink around the end of the wires near the grounds wires for the firewall. I will have a lot more to add to this in the next few weeks and will add pics and explain what I did. Let me know what you think so far.
This is what I started with:
These are some of the first wires removed:
This is what I have done so far:
I dont have any pics of how the chassis harness looks now, because for the most part it remained in the car throughout the process. But I do have pics of the 6.5 lbs of wire that has been removed so far!
Next was the engine harness. It really needed some attention, especially in the problem area around the thremostat housing. So instead of just patching it up with some butt conectors and electrical tape, I opted to completely go through the entire harness and redo it. I was a huge pain in the ass, but I think in the end, it will be worth it. Instead of using the convoluted tubing type loom to cover my now non-crispy harness, I decided to use flame retardant expandable braided sleeving. I also ran each sensor's wires seperately from about the middle of the harness near where the firewall's stock grounding location was. This made it not as bulky and easier to route each wire in a way that will be more pleasing to the eye once it is back it the bay; I always hated the way the factory harness looked like it was just thrown across the bay and twisted in knots on top of the transmission near the battery. Anyway, here are the first pics. It is not entirely finshed, but it is close; I still have to repair 2 wires that I am waiting on parts for, and then melt the 2-layer heatshrink around the end of the wires near the grounds wires for the firewall. I will have a lot more to add to this in the next few weeks and will add pics and explain what I did. Let me know what you think so far.
This is what I started with:
These are some of the first wires removed:
This is what I have done so far: