Quoting VRausch4:
I think you should restate your questions more with the goals you have in mind. For example, You want to make x amount of power that will be driven at the track only/daily, etc. Key points that will clue others in to what it is you are trying to accomplish. "I want to vent my BOV to atmosphere." would also qualify, but Is not worth the $$ involved to do so without any other goals.
Some helpful info, maybe:
1. As stated the Ostrich allows you to 'burn' or code a chip to install into the ECU.
The Above mentioned DS tuning software allows you to open the related maps or tables to make finite adjustments to things like injector pulse width/duty cycle, timing maps, airflow adjustments, etc. to build a 'tune' to burn onto a chip. The DS-MAps primary feature is that it's based around using a MAP sensor as opposed to a MAS (1g, 2g, 3g). More or less.
This is in many ways similar to a standalone ECU, such as the AEM or Megasquirt ECU, but the AEM EMS and even the Megasquirt offer more options than the basics. If you intend to go this route, consider the megasquirt as a middle ground between the DS and Ostrich, and the AEM. It offers some other features, such as the ability to run in Speed density alone, that can make it a good choice on a budget. All in all, you should know what you are doing before going this route, as you are effectively building you own 'tune' from scratch, essentially. A lot can go wrong if you are not aware of what you are adjusting, and how it will effect your setup. If you are not careful and educated to the task at hand, you can get lost fairly easily.
2. DSMlink is more straightforward than the above, but still requires you to build your own tune. There is a ton of support for this particular avenue, so it may be easier to set up and adjust than the above. DSMlink does have a Speed density function, but it does still require you to run a MAS. It's use is to compensate in instances where you would over-run the Mass air sensor. V2 is set up with that option. I don't know if V3 will have provisions for speed density alone, but someone in the know may have more info.
3. Get onto Keydivers site,
DSMChips , and order a chip, injectors, etc, and have him burn the chip to your specs. In this case 95% of the 'tuning' is already done, and you can go in and make smaller adjustments with the FPR and SAFC to maximize the set up. A logger is a must with this set up.
There are other options, but it really comes down to your skill level and goals. Plenty of people have gone though the effort to learn and understand how to tune their vehicles with any of the above mentioned options, and plenty of others (VPC, Haltech, Etc.) on many different levels. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Good post. Lots of good info there. Have you had any experience with megasquirt. I am in the process of choosing a tuning setup and am curious on megaquirt. Price is right and you get to use MAP.