I just swapped the 510's for 750's with a new chip. mid and hi trims stayed about the same (mid actually went from 11x to 100 even) and hi is at 103. But low trim is at 82.3 and won't move.
Is this normal with bigger injectors or do I have an issue some place ? trims were all within 10 of 100 on the 510's with the weather change, and right at 100 when i tuned in winter.
edit : 3xx miles on the setup, so I would asume it has had plenty of time for all trims to change to the right readings.
Is this normal with bigger injectors or do I have an issue some place ? trims were all within 10 of 100 on the 510's with the weather change, and right at 100 when i tuned in winter.
edit : 3xx miles on the setup, so I would asume it has had plenty of time for all trims to change to the right readings.
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