Well-known member
I appreciate any help I can get! I have done some searches and have a good idea of what is goin on with my car but just wanna b sure
Ok so when the car is warming up In the morning it sometimes does not reach operating temp. When and if it does reach normal operating temp, the idle stays high at 1300-1400 rpm. This is at 20 degrees outside. When I start rolling down my driveway the idle starts surging up to 1700 then down to 1100 over and over until the car comes to a stop.
As I drive I notice also that my car does not want to heat up after driving it for 20-30 min. Sometimes when it does heat up to normal operating temp it will go back down to being cooler again after a few min.
Also,If I am driving in first gear and the rpm falls below 2000 rpm the car will start bucking- all while being in gear... Then if I push in the clutch to avoid the bucking the idle surge starts again.
I have seen posts about the idle surge but thought that my problem may be related to the coolant temp problems I am seeing.
Again, any help will be awesome! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Ok so when the car is warming up In the morning it sometimes does not reach operating temp. When and if it does reach normal operating temp, the idle stays high at 1300-1400 rpm. This is at 20 degrees outside. When I start rolling down my driveway the idle starts surging up to 1700 then down to 1100 over and over until the car comes to a stop.
As I drive I notice also that my car does not want to heat up after driving it for 20-30 min. Sometimes when it does heat up to normal operating temp it will go back down to being cooler again after a few min.
Also,If I am driving in first gear and the rpm falls below 2000 rpm the car will start bucking- all while being in gear... Then if I push in the clutch to avoid the bucking the idle surge starts again.
I have seen posts about the idle surge but thought that my problem may be related to the coolant temp problems I am seeing.
Again, any help will be awesome! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif