Chris, in case you didn't see this. Hertz posted this in chat. Step by Step to adjust your closed throttle switch.
CLOSED THROTTLE POSITION SWITCH (FIXED SAS) ADJUSTMENT Ml3FIDA NOTE 1. The closed throttle position switch has been precisely adjusted by the manufacturer; it should not, therefore, be moved to another setting.
2. If however, the adjustment is for any reason accidentally disturbed, or the closed throttle position switch is replaced, make the necessary readjustment by following the steps (1) .?%izkntly relax the tension of the accelerator cable. (2) Disconnect the connector of the closed throttle position switch (fixed SAS).
: (3) Loosen the lock nut of the closed throttle position switch (fixed SAS). (4) Turn the closed throttle position switch (fixed SAS) in the counter-clockwise direction until it is sufficiently loosened, and securely close the throttle valve fully.
(5) Connect an ohmmeter between the closed throttle position switch terminal and the body. (6) Begin tightening the closed throttle position switch and locate the point at which the closed throttle position switch is switched ON (conductive with body). (This is the point at which the throttle valve begins to open.) From that point, then tighten the closed throttle position switch 15/16 turn.
(7) Securely tighten the lock nut while holding the closed throttle position switch so that it won’t turn. (8) Adjust the tension of the accelerator cable.
(9) Adjust the basic idling speed (engine speed adjusting screw). (P.13-245.) (lO)Adjust the throttle-position sensor. (P.13-248.)
(1) should be "sufficiently"