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How rare do you guys think GVR4s are?


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2007
I always get nice compliments on how extremly rare my car is and it's great to have feedback like that. It's good to know an estimated guess on how much there is running around though. But like what JSchleim18 posted is true. I think people just haven't appreciated much about these car because of possibly bad owners, same goes for 1g/2g dsms. Where I live, it's pretty hard to find an unmolested DSM.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
Toronto, ON, Canada
I'm sure there's a large percentage of the ones sold new in Japan which have ended up here in New Zealand. There's usually at any time about 20-40 E39A VR-4s for sale on TradeMe (our eBay) throughout the country, of a population of approx 4 million people. However most are butchered by now by street racers or used in local rallies. It is rare to find a good tidy example. They do hold their value well though, you could pay anywhere between NZ$3000 to NZ$10000 depending on condition.


Well-known member
May 19, 2009
Quoting uncleben4rice:
I went to a street racers parking lot the other night, and those kids had never seen a GVR4 in person in there lives, it was like they were standing around my car looking at it like it was a mythical creature or something. I say they are rare indeed. One kid had a 600hp supra and thought my car was rare. WoW /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

The same thing happens at the local car meets here. People almost always know or heard of a GVR-4 but never have seen one in person. Thats why I asked my question.


Well-known member
May 19, 2009
Quoting NateCrisman:
Is there a link that could be put right on the top of the site to the most current registry information page? Seems there are multiple threads with lists and constant new threads put up on this topic, so my assumption would be that the registry information isn't easy enough to find, otherwise we wouldn't have these threads all the time.

That is exactly the thread I was trying to find before I posted this topic! I think stickying that thread would be an awesome idea!

Like someone else said, when you consider that theres 254 million registered autombiles on US roads and there are only 2200 or so remaining US GVR4's then yes the car is rare. 254,000,000 vs 2,200 to put that in perspective. The demand for them has nothing to do with the overall numbers. Count how many honda s2000s are registered or how many mitsubishi evo8 are registered, registered c5 or c6 corvettes or mustangs. Or better yet how many toyota camrys are registered and you get a good idea of how rare a US galant VR4 is. 2200 US GVR4's in existance vs a few hundred thousand camrys and you get the point.

The reason they don't seem rare to people on here is because we see these cars everyday on this forum.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
New Zealand
Quoting blackvr4:
EDIT: sorry guys talking about the ones in the US since we got the rare limited addition models with cool little badges /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

3000 USDM VR4s vs ~25,000 JDM VR4 vs ~2800 JDM E38A VR4 RS vs ~1100 JDM ZR4 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/idea.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
I think part of it is where you live. Here in SoCal, I've seen maybe 3 or 4 on the roads in the ~6 years I've owned it and can't recall seeing any prior (I remember them when they were new and always stuck in my mind). This is in the land that you see just about any and every make and model at one time or another and 10 of each sometimes (like BMW's and Mercs, mustangs, new jap cars, etc.)...My 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.9 had only ~15k produced and while that seems like a high number comparitively, I've only seen a few of those, as well.

So, yes, they are certainly rare and especially here. As far asd desirable, depends on who you talk to...


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
Oak Harbor, WA
Quoting blackvr4:

EDIT: sorry guys talking about the ones in the US since we got the rare limited addition models with cool little badges /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Not everyone got cool badges, some came pre-badged or the previous owners removed them.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Wgtn, NZ
Quoting RedTwo:
Quoting blackvr4:
EDIT: sorry guys talking about the ones in the US since we got the rare limited addition models with cool little badges /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

3000 USDM VR4s vs ~25,000 JDM VR4 vs ~2800 JDM E38A VR4 RS vs ~1100 JDM ZR4 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/idea.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

never knew zr4's were rarer than RS's - still fugly though :p


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
Quoting H05TYL:
still fugly though :p

Agreed. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hs.gif

No doubt the cars are rare. The fact that you see a lot of them in a certain area just shows that it's an area with some cool mofos. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif Not to mention if you see one, another is probably nearby, since a lot of us own m0ar than just one.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
In a van down by the river, Iowa
Quoting mrbonnell:
I see it as this, you see ford's, cheverolet's, hondas, mercury s, and so on everyday. you hardly ever see a Galant VR4, and to be honest I have never seen a VR4 on the streets other than my own. I think you could rank a VR4 up there with the rarity of some of our desired dream cars seeing as there are so few.

i would agree with this as i have never seen another gvr4 until my older brother found one in Sioux Falls and then i met Dave(darksideauto) and those are the only other 2 i have ever seen in my life but i have owned mine for 3-4 years it took me at least 2 years to see another one...

i've only ever seen 2 other Galant VR4s other than my own in my life, one of them is one of DR1665s, and the other was a rally car in prescott AZ back in october. saw like, 5 base model galants in our body style when i went home to VA this past december, but i've never seen them anywhere around here /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
Oak Harbor, WA
In Va, Jonas' (blitzgvr4) #533 was the first gvr4 I ever saw and would see from time to time, then a 90 GGSX popped up around town. Though every now and then I did see a regular 6th gen on the road. Out here, there seems to be a higher concentration of GVR4s than there were over there, but most are in hiding. I believe there is one off the highway in Bellingham heading towards Mt. Baker.
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i've probably seen 6 in my travels. only seen three locally. i was suprised to see there were at least four in my area though. terry's, kevin's, mine, and a guy who brought his down from cedar rapids and wrecked it. and nobody here knows what they are.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
Of the probably ten or so I know of locally, only one is owned by somebody I wouldn't consider an enthusiast. The rest of the ones I know of in the PNW are owned by enthusiasts as well. It's rare I ever see one I don't already know about.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2004
brisbane australia
Quoting raptorreed:
Not that rare I would say. plenty of them in Aussie land,

Actually we only got 300 over here in Total.
So compared to you guys mine is much Rarer!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
There are quite a few grey market imports direct from Japan though.

There is six GVR-4's that I know of in Scandinavia. Two gulf spec GVR-4's in Sweden, mine and one in Gothenburg. One JDM GVR-4 in Norway. One US GVR-4 in Denmark. Two GVR-4's in Finland (one gulf spec and one JDM spec). Well, at least they are rare in Scandinavia /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2008
Quoting NateCrisman:
Quoting Ian M:
GVR4s are "rare" but not really desireable. A Diesel Chevette is also "rare",but I doubt anyone would give you scrap value for one. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

A while back I counted almost 30 in a 25mile or so radius from here,there are a few around that I don't know the owners of,and I've seen a few on the road in the past year or so I wasn't aware of. I couldn't tell you if those folks knew what they were driving,or even cared.In fact,coming home from work I saw a white one with an aftermarket exhaust on Rt9 in Charles Town WV a couple weeks ago I've never seen before.

It seems most import savvy around here knows what a GVR4 is.

Exactly my point: Yes it's "rare" by a numerical standpoint that there are maybe 1300-1500 of them still running around. Rarity can mean diddly squat for collect-ability and value. I just don't feel the # left matters worth a hill of beans.

Guys, try exporting USDM VR4s to europe for example and you will see how rare and valued they are (only the nice ones though, but thats like that with any collector car)...
Try to think globally, not just the US. You DO realise that there are only 3000 in the WORLD? Now how many billion registered cars is that?

The only way we can get these cars to be desireable and to hold value is to keep the good ones in good shape, and to totally restore the shitty ones. STOCK, no stupid "evo like" hoods and scoops and all this ricer sh*t.
Keep the original parts, original radios, interior pieces etc, so when the time comes and these cars will be oldtimers, you can totally return yours to stock.
I know its easier said than done, but thats the only way.

ok, Im done. flame-on! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
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