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I searched, and here is the most recent broad info post for snow tires:
snow tire thread w/ decent info
I have just acquired an extra set of straight '92 rims from KT (thanks KT) and am trying to pick a snow tire to go on them. I wanted to see if there were any new tires out this year that I should consider, but since this is a BUDGET snow tire install, that might not be relevant to my choice. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif There seem to be several Norwegian options, but not sure if they'd fit in the budget.
I've had Artic Alpine's on my Impala for 3 winters. There is still enough tread and I still felt confident in their grip at the end of last year that I'm going to use them for a 4th season. Siping is all still intact. I realize that the sticky treatment has worn/leached out, but the physical properties are still there. Didn't expect to get 4 winters at about 8,000 miles a winter out of them, but I've been pleasantly surprised.
Questions I have:
1. Does 195/60-15 vs 185/65-15 really make any noticeable difference? Pricing on tirerack did not show a difference in pricing, but my question is does 20 mm total track reduction (nominal) really do much? I guess when dry it should be less drag, too, right?
2. What are known good options in the $60 or less each category? Don't know if the Pilot Alpine is the replacement for the Artic Alpine or what, but I think they are more money than what I'm looking for at about $95 each. Saw good reviews on the X-Ice at $76 each, but I'm going to try and get hooked up with 4 for as close to $200 as possible (mount and balance extra most likely). Winterforce M+S are closest at $57 each. This is all tirerack, where I've gotten my last 5 or so sets of tires, but I'd look at other options.
3. Ideally, I'd like to get out the door, mounted and balanced, for $200 or less. Is this realistic or am I smoking crack?
4. Compared to Artic Alpines, are there any tires I should stay away from from a wear standpoint? I'd love to get 4 seasons out of these, but I'd be happy with 2 and would consider 3 great. Considering I'll be splitting time between the two cars since this will be the first time the galant has been daily driven in about 5 years, I'm not sure how much mileage I'll get on them during this first winter.
Thanks ahead for the input, and I'll investigate some of the links in the previous threads to get better ideas on pricing.
snow tire thread w/ decent info
I have just acquired an extra set of straight '92 rims from KT (thanks KT) and am trying to pick a snow tire to go on them. I wanted to see if there were any new tires out this year that I should consider, but since this is a BUDGET snow tire install, that might not be relevant to my choice. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif There seem to be several Norwegian options, but not sure if they'd fit in the budget.
I've had Artic Alpine's on my Impala for 3 winters. There is still enough tread and I still felt confident in their grip at the end of last year that I'm going to use them for a 4th season. Siping is all still intact. I realize that the sticky treatment has worn/leached out, but the physical properties are still there. Didn't expect to get 4 winters at about 8,000 miles a winter out of them, but I've been pleasantly surprised.
Questions I have:
1. Does 195/60-15 vs 185/65-15 really make any noticeable difference? Pricing on tirerack did not show a difference in pricing, but my question is does 20 mm total track reduction (nominal) really do much? I guess when dry it should be less drag, too, right?
2. What are known good options in the $60 or less each category? Don't know if the Pilot Alpine is the replacement for the Artic Alpine or what, but I think they are more money than what I'm looking for at about $95 each. Saw good reviews on the X-Ice at $76 each, but I'm going to try and get hooked up with 4 for as close to $200 as possible (mount and balance extra most likely). Winterforce M+S are closest at $57 each. This is all tirerack, where I've gotten my last 5 or so sets of tires, but I'd look at other options.
3. Ideally, I'd like to get out the door, mounted and balanced, for $200 or less. Is this realistic or am I smoking crack?
4. Compared to Artic Alpines, are there any tires I should stay away from from a wear standpoint? I'd love to get 4 seasons out of these, but I'd be happy with 2 and would consider 3 great. Considering I'll be splitting time between the two cars since this will be the first time the galant has been daily driven in about 5 years, I'm not sure how much mileage I'll get on them during this first winter.
Thanks ahead for the input, and I'll investigate some of the links in the previous threads to get better ideas on pricing.