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Electrical problems!

I am having some electrical issues with my car, was hoping to get some advice. Sometimes, the headlights will flicker when I hit the brakes, also the cd player will skip. The car has an alarm/remote start system, which I think might be part of the cause. What else would cause this? A short in the system, or is it overloaded or something? I’ve blown a couple fuses, but nothing lately. Any ideas on this?

I use that as my alt is dying again indicator. get you charging system checked.

yeah that actually makes sense, the guy i bought the car from has a shitty autozone alternator, i think he said it already had to be replaced once.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2001
Also check for a loose battery post. When the alternator dies, the car will run just off the battery until it dies. If there's a loose battery connection and a dead alternator, bumps can cause intermittent power cutoff.

Do you still have the ABS? The ABS pressure switch fails and breaks down to ground and shorts out the brake light feed when you push firmly on the brakes. If the fuse doesn't blow, this would cause a voltage drop which would do what you describe. Test by unplugging the big 2 pin plug at the ABS valve unit and see if it still happens. If that's it, either eliminate the ABS as lots of folks do, or there is a workaround that I did on my car. I drew a diagram and emailed it to someone on this board some time back, can't remember who it was though. I could maybe find the scan again if you need it.
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i'm actually cheating, this is for a 94 Talon /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif it doesn't have ABS. i also have a voltage gauge on my turbo timer, i don't think it's running just off the battery.

the alt can fail with good voltage. it seems they start by loosing amps output. turn everything on, wipers , heater, ect.. then look at the volts. should stay above 13 if it's dipping below that it's bad. output will be lower on a hot motor so run the test cold.

ok i will try that next time the motor is cold. i'm hoping it's the alternator, i don't want to have to chase down some wiring problem.

yeah i turned on everything... headlights, defroster, wipers, heater and the voltage was bouncing around the 9-13 range. sound like the alternator?

yes it sounds like the alt. will it stay steady above 13 if you run the rpms up a tad? if not get a new alt if yes you may want to try cleaning all the connections first. & verify the engine to chassis grounds are still in place. I added a big ass ground strap on mine, didn't think the two little ones were doing much. Of course I still burn through alt's as fast as anyone here.
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