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EDIT: HOW-TO Bleed rear power steering


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2007
Wakefield, RI/Meriden, CT
Looking to drop rear sub to clean up and swap lsd into AWS housing. I know the pump unbolts and pops out the top of pumpkin BUT can I unbolt rear rack also and just drop sub leaving rear p/s pump and rack hanging from the car and hence, not removing lines. UNLESS bleeding rear is simple in which case I'll just didconnect at the hardline.

Any how-to threads for blleding rear or removal without disconnect??? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif
Thanks in advance guys.- Russ Richards
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Thing is, if you tweak the lines too much pulling the sub frame out, they'll break, and you will have to bleed and replace anyways. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

Besides, AWS is over-rated. Crap leaks everywhere, all the time.

I removed mine, and love the fact is doesn't try to steer like a fork truck! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
Bay Area, CA
First bleed the front steering by turning the steering lock-to-lock several times with the engine running (and the reservoir filled).

Put the car up on stands, preferably with nothing for a long way in front of the car.

Connect a bleed line to the nipple on the 4WS rack.

With all four wheels in the air and the engine running, put the car in gear, and up to 2nd or 3rd gear. Accelerate to at least 30mph. Maintaining that speed, turn the steering wheel right and left to the lock a number of times. Keep your left foot near the brakes or your hand on the handbrake in case the car falls off the stands.

Make sure the P/S reservoir stays full.

Yes, this is actually serious. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/uhh.gif

Check out the 89-93 Galant Body/Electrical manual at LilEvo's Website for the more detailed version, but that is the gist of it.

Wow, I was gunna suggest this exact method, but wasn't sure. Irony. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

GL with the operation.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2007
Wakefield, RI/Meriden, CT
Thanks gentlemen. I actually looked it up today. Sounds so fun!!!!!

From Mitsu......
Four Wheel Steering

1.Bleed air from power steering system as outlined under POWER STEERING GEARS.
2.Raise and support vehicle just off ground.
3.Start engine and allow to idle.

4.Loosen bleeder screw on the left side of control valve and install air bleeder set tool No. MB991230 or equivalent on the bleeder screw.
5.Turn steering wheel to left stop, immediately returning it back to center position. At this time air will be discharged with the fluid. Ensure that reservoir remains filled.
6.Repeat step 5 two or three times until air is bled from system.
7.Repeat steps 4 through 6 using right side bleeder screw.
8.Turn ignition switch to Off position.

9.Install air bleeder tool to rear power cylinder.
10.Start engine, place transaxle in Drive position and raise vehicle speed to 43-50 mph to circulate fluid. Ensure vehicle is properly supported for this step. Use care when working around moving tire.
11.Reduce vehicle speed to 19-25 mph, turn steering wheel from stop to stop. Air will be bleed into reservoir at this time. When steering wheel is at each stop air will circulate inside special hose.
12.Repeat step 12 several times until no more air is seen in reservoir.
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