Man intake temps are called frostbite. High pressure going to low pressure, happens everytime. Now as for jetting 30% with corn is probably close but when it doubt call up some nitrous kit manufacturers..... they know. Make sure ignition is all good to go with fresh plugs.
have a secret power switch, nothing worst than some asshat turning on the system and you don't know. driver side under the dash is a good place so your buddies don't reach over and arm it when your street racing
use a purge system, reving into a engine with no load is bad, stuff puddles and goes boom.
bottle heater and gauge is a must, propane torches are dangerous but been there done that
1st pass your at 1000psi, next 900, next 800 etc, as the bottle empties pressure drops and low pressure spray causes bad things to happen.
find a female that works at a hospital or dental office......nothing better than free medical spray with no sulfur, not for consumption runs better.
always close the bottle, solenoids can leak
wet kits I always liked to do direct port and then a extra small dry shot on its own solenoid just before the the throttle blade.
Ebay is your friend, someone always selling parts and pieces for cheap.
Do alot of research, my buddy found a website from the UK and they jet at the solenoid, make there own nozzles and used meth kit line instead of steel braided stuff. heres a video of what he put on his buell.....nozzle is from a damn fire extinguisher, jetted at the solenoid and bottle is a paintball gun canister from walmart. We plumbed it with a t fitting and a ball valve so he can fill it after every pass with a big bottle.
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