Why don't you sell the fwd tranny and put a few extra bucks into buying a used AWD. Depending on who you buy it from, you could come out even in price and still retain your AWD. My guess is it would be a lot more work. Since you would be removing the transfer case and drive shaft, the rear would be dead weight as well as the AWS, which could be removed at the expense of your time and patience.
It would be a hell of a lot easier just keeping the AWD, no?
How do you know your trans is shot? What's it doing, not doing? Is this your daily driver? Are all the gears messed or just one that you can get around without using until you get the correct trans? Could linkage be involved in your problem where the trans is fine? Let us know. I'll be up in Northern Jersey tomorrow and maybe can take a look at what's going on. Lived in Orange County for a year or so, know abouts where Pamona is.