Ok so long story short my drive shaft came apart. With it went the transfer case. In its own not too big of a deal but the car died when the drive shaft went kaboom, and then would not restart. Initially I thought the timing may have jumped, but that is not the case as everything still lines up, it has good compression and it fires but only for half a sec. I have spark and fuel pressure but no injector pulse except for the first 1/2 a sec. It ends up that when the drive shaft hit the underside of the body, it hit hard enough that it partially dislodged my chip from the ecu, and half was still plugged in. So naturally I plugged it back in, but it still wouldn't fire up... I plugged in the laptop and made sure all my settings were still there and could log the ecu(dsmlink); which I could, but I still only have injector pulse for the first revolution. What should I look at next??/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
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