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Another wont start

Ok so long story short my drive shaft came apart. With it went the transfer case. In its own not too big of a deal but the car died when the drive shaft went kaboom, and then would not restart. Initially I thought the timing may have jumped, but that is not the case as everything still lines up, it has good compression and it fires but only for half a sec. I have spark and fuel pressure but no injector pulse except for the first 1/2 a sec. It ends up that when the drive shaft hit the underside of the body, it hit hard enough that it partially dislodged my chip from the ecu, and half was still plugged in. So naturally I plugged it back in, but it still wouldn't fire up... I plugged in the laptop and made sure all my settings were still there and could log the ecu(dsmlink); which I could, but I still only have injector pulse for the first revolution. What should I look at next??/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
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Apr 30, 2006

so long story short my drive shaft came apart

I want to hear the long story! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Does the data look right after it stalls? (iat/ect/tps etc...)

I have a known good socketed ecu you can borrow. I'll toss it in the truck, and give you a call later.

In the meantime, you might want to try another cas. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif
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So I went to a 2 peice shaft. The first time I got it in we decided not to repace the carrier bearing because it looked to be ok. But after the install I had a low speed vibration, which of coarse was the carrier bearing so back out it came and on with the new carrier bearing. This solved all my vabration problems. I havent had it above 90 yet with the snow tires, but all seemed to be good. Until driving up 470 fri night to pick up the lady. I was doing 75 when I suddenly got another vibration so I let off the gas and kaboom!! Peices were all over the place, including the back half of my transfer case. I dont know if the drive shaft came apart at the tcase side or at the cv joint first but it deffinatly lifted the back of the car off the ground. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
So the drive shaft is back at the shop getting rebuilt, still dont know what failed though. It also ripped the studs out of the unibody, soi ill have to think of something for that.


Apr 30, 2006
Nice!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Did it tear the little origami brackets off, or just break the hardware?

I still have a talon awd shell I could cut some unibody pieces out of.

Let me know what it's gonna take to get it back on the road.

Can't wait to see what you break next. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
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It took the whole bracket, but i can fab something up for thati have some sheet metal and have a few ideas. No reasone to ruin a good shell for that. Thanks though. Ill have to show you some pic sof the shaft too its pretty nice.

Cas is fine tried two others, watching the logs all i get is the cold start fuel but no injector pulse other then that. Tried another ecu as well, no change so something is not letting the ecu turn the injectors on.
Things ive tried so far: Transistor pack, cas, ecu, eprom, checked all ecu plugs /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif

What does everyone think about the maft or the turbo timer causing a problem like this?

Am I missing anything?


Staff member
Jul 29, 2002
Chicago, IL
Is this a "which came first" question? Are you sure the injectors are shutting off, or is the motor just dying and hence no fuel?

Injectors are never actually coming on I get the inital burst of fuel for start up then after that event it actually fires for a sec rpms about 900 to 1000 and then thats back to cranking rpm of 240 to 300 or so. The fuel definatly comes one then off before it actually even fires. I thin thats the best way to put it.

try starting the car on carb cleaner to check if you are losing spark at the same time... maybe a crank sensor

Well Im still stumped I have good spark it runs as long as you give it fuel. Just cant figure out why no injectors, the ecu seems to have power during cranking and run. Still tracing all that stuff back through.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
Blackwood, NJ
Have you tried checking the fuel lines. Make sure nothing hit them. Happened to a friend of mine's.. wasnt enough to maintain pressure.

check for power at the each injector with the key on... then get a friend to crank the motor while you take a test light and check the the pcm in grounding the injectors.. if not trace all wiring back to the pcm, if its all good then the pcm is bad
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