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Acronym Lexicon for this forum!

Hello Galant VR4 enthusiasts!

I propose we compile, organize, and make a sticky of common Galant VR4-related acronyms, as well as forumspeak-realated acronyms, for the benefit of GVR4/Tuning newbs like myself and all mankind. I'll be glad to compile it and alphabetically sort and update it, as useful acronyms come in.

This way, folks new to the cars and the forum will be able to tell their FMIC from their FWIW, FTW, ASAP!


1g - 1st Generation DSM (refer to below) Made from the years 1990-1994. They consist of the T/E/L (also referred to below). Versions 1ga and 1gb exist.

2g - 2nd Generation DSM (keep on reading or look down already!) Made from 1995-1999. They consist of The T/E. Talon production was ended in May of 1998. (Thanks Iceman) Versions 2ga and 2gb exist.

FWD - Front wheel drive.

AWD - All wheel drive.

DSM - Diamond Star Motors - Engines were imported from Japan or supplied by Chrysler (2g 420A). 1g parts between the three cars are exact, with except to Manufacture-specific parts (emblems, etc)

GVR4 - Mitsubishi Galant VR4 (see down below). USDM from 1991-1992. 3009 were shipped over from Japan (2008 in 1991 and 1001 in 1991) Turbocharged and AWD. JDM from .... ____ need more info here guys. I think its from 1989 to present with multiple generations. I know our USDM E39s are 6Gs.

FMIC - Front Mount InterCooler. Placed in the front of the vehicle to make better use of air temperatures.

SMIC - Side Mount Intercooler. Comes stock in the T/E/L/GVR4 with the turbocharged versions.

UICP - Upper InterCooler Pipe - Drastically opens up flow to the trottle body and allows for more airflow. Used in conjuction with a FMIC and larger diameter piping.

SMIM - Sheet Metal Intake Manifold - An aftermarket option for an intake manifold. Claimed to help cooler intake temperatures and bungs can be placed to insert Nitrous Oxide if desired.

T/E/L - Eagle TALON, Mitsubishi ECLIPSE, Plymouth Laser. These cars were produced with a 4g63t 2.0L or a 1.8 420A engine from 1990-1999 with the exception of the Laser, which ended production in 1994. Came in Non-turbo FWD, Turbo FWD, Turbo AWD.

USDM - United States Domestic Market

JDM - Japan Domestic Market

VC - Viscous coupler. Used to transfer and handle torque to rear wheels. Mainly used when turning because the wheel tracks are different from the front and rear axles.

VR4 - Viscous Realtime 4. Basically its always AWD, not switchable.


FTW: For the Win
FTMFW: For the mother F***ing Win.
FWIW: For what its worth
IIRC: If I recall correctly
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary
FTL: For the Loss
AFPR: Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator

Moderators please feel free to input/change/edit/add to my post as needed.
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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2004
Cleveland, OH
1g - 1st Generation DSM (refer to below) Made from the years 1990-1994. They consist of the T/E/L (also referred to below)

1Ga and 1Gb? there's a ton, but then it wouldn't be a secret club.... /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/rofl.gif

WTF = you know /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/wink.gif


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
One nobody's been able to figure out (and no, it's not about Antartica /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/tongue.gif): IAATO


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2004
Cleveland, OH
The Italian American Association of the Township of Ocean /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/rofl.gif


Turn Right Racing
Staff member
Mar 5, 2001
Misinformation is as bad a no information.


2g - 2nd Generation DSM (keep on reading or look down already!) Made from 1995-1999. They consist of The T/E.

DSM - Diamond Star Motors - They made all the engines for the T/E/L. 1g parts between the three cars are exact, with except to Manufacture-specific parts (emblems, etc)

T/E/L - Eagle TALON, Mitsubishi ECLIPSE, Plymouth Laser. These cars were produced with a 4g63t 2.0L or a 1.8 420A engine from 1990-1999 with the exception of the Laser, which ended production in 1994. Came in Non-turbo FWD, Turbo FWD, Turbo AWD.

2g: Talons end in 98 MY.

DSM: Did not make engines. Engines were imported from Japan or supplied by Chrysler (2g 420A).

TEL: 1gs have 1.8 l, 2.0 l non turbo, 2.0 l t/c, with t/c in both fwd and awd.
420 2.0 l n/a is only 95-99.

Thanks for the input. I knew I was touching a hot potato, but I felt fairly confident with what I was saying. Dunno why I said DSM MADE engines. /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/banghead.gif

Oh, and IAACO - I am a constipated orange.

Terry Posten

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
Davenport, Iowa USA
GTFO = Get the Fu$k out

Also can be said with a emocon but I don't have it.

White is the fastest color - Not really and aconym, but the truth.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2004
Cleveland, OH
VC can also equal valve cover...
BOV = blow off valve (technically if it recirculates then it's a bypass valve)

and terry, as we learned in color school today, white is all colors, whereas black is the absence of color, therefore black is lighter, and faster. /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/wink.gif

and for the new guys, the 'which color is faster debate' will go on for eternity....don't get involved... /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/rofl.gif


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2003
Bozeman, MT
tb: throttle body
tps: throttle position sensor
isc: idle speed controller
cas: cam angle sensor
fiav: fast idle air valve
pcv: positive crank case ventilator
ccv: crank case ventilator
vcv: valve cover ventilator
afm: air flow meter
maf: mass airf flow something or other
mas: ^^ ditto
sst: special service tool (read HAMMER)
iat: intake air temperature
map: manifold abolute pressure
mbc: manual boost controller
ebc: electronic boost controller
vpc: vein pressure controller
evc: electronic valve controller
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2002
Park City, UT USA
EGR = Exhaust Gas Recirculation (Valve)
BCS = Boost Control Solenoid
BISS = Base Idle Set Screw
CTPS = Closed Throttle Position Switch
TDC = Top Dead Center
BTDC = Before Top Dead Center
VC = VCU = Viscous Coupling Unit
VCE = Viscous Coupling Eliminator
CV = Constant Velocity (Joint)
NA = Naturally Aspirated


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2002
Asheville, NC USA
Kinda petty, but

CBV = compressor bypass valve
MBC = mechanical boost controller
PCV = positive crank case ventilation (valve)
VPC = vein pressure converter

DD = daily driver
MT = manual transmission (also M/T)
AT = automatic transmission (also A/T)
STB = strut tower bar
DQ = Supra (dyno queen)
HP = horsepower
TQ = torque
RPM = you're a moron for reading this
PS = power steering
SS = stainless steel
LSD = limited slip differential (if you want the other kind just ask gtluke)
NT = non-turbo
AC = air conditioning (also A/C)
ABS = anal butter sauce Wait, that's wrong... something about brakes or other. Also a type of plastic
PO = previous owner
OP = original post
TTT = to the top
SC = supercharged (also s/c)
TT = twin turbo
RTV = room temperature vulcanization (describes a material used for making gaskets, sealants, etc.)
LPH = liters per hour
CC = cubic centimeter, often used to describe an injector's flow capacity in one minute
DEQ = Department of Environmental Quality
CARB = California Air Resource Board
KS = knock sum or knock sensor
BUMP = bring up my post
MMC = Mitsubishi Motor Company
AWS = all wheel steering
PN = part number
Satan = the dealership (I know it's not an acronym but it seemed appropriate for this list)
DEI = distributorless electronic ignition
EFI = electronic fuel injection
ECU = engine control unit; a generic term for computer
PSI = pressure or pounds per square inch
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