I do things a bit differently than already described here, and it's always worked out well for me.
Here's my method, step by step.
First i drain the transmission.
Pull the plastic side covers from under each side of the frame.
Drop the crossmember under the transmission and the gusset under the RH side axle.
Bring the downpipe down so i can drop the T-case. After the T-case is on the ground, i remove what i call the "special bolt" ...the grade 10 bolt with 12mm head which holds the transmission in from the back side (this bolt being left out upon reassembly has broken many a bellhousing on W5M33s).
Pull the 2 bolts retaining the slave cylinder, and the 1 that holds the clutch line to the transmission.
If i had an inspection cover bolt or the bellhousing cover plate bolt in place, i'd remove them as well, but i dont use them.
Since the car is in the air already, i pull the Right Front wheel, pull the 3 bolts and 1 nut that go on the strut/knuckle assembly. (2 for knuckle, 2 for brake line/abs)
Drop the A-arm down, and pop the axle loose from the transmission.
Turn the wheel all the way to the left, and pull the tranny side of the axle out and put it in the wheel well against the frame.
After getting all the "extra" crap out, such as the battery, and all intake plumbing, i pull the shifter cable retainers from the bracket, disconnect from linkage on transmission, and push the cables out of the way.
Now i can remove the other 3 bolts that hold the transmission to the engine, the 2 starter bolts, and the 2 bolts that hold the transmission to the frame. Disconnect Speedo cable and reverse light connector.
Remove 2 carrier bearing retaining bolts from Driver Side axle (axle to block).
Slide transmission out while getting it free from DS Axle.
Transmission is now on the ground.. removing the engine is SIMPLE after that.
I honestly dont care for having all the weight of the entire assembly in the air. I'd much rather deal with the transmission and engine on a 1-on-1 basis.
I'd also rather drop an engine in straight off the engine stand, rather than try to get the engine off the stand, attach the flywheel and clutch, attach the transmission, and then have to angle it all in to try to get things to settle in properly.
The same goes for getting the engine ON the stand. I'd much rather just remove the clutch and flywheel with the engine still in the car, and stick the engine on a stand straight away.