So after having a bunch of stuff stolen out of the car, its been sitting for a few months. I finally made time today to dig into it. Thanks to the generosity of many of our members, I was able to get going on this thing. Replaced the a-pillar trim and roof trim pieces, wired in the new SAFC2, ran hose for the new boost gauge, replaced the battery which was dead (wouldn't take a charge), removed the turbotimer harness and controller, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. Feels good to make some progress, but I wish I could have turned her over. With an unplugged port on the filter housing, I can't. Hopefully I'll get that straightened out next.
Thanks again to the unsung heroes who hooked me up. I'll do my best to pay it forward to the community. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/worthy.gif
Thanks again to the unsung heroes who hooked me up. I'll do my best to pay it forward to the community. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/worthy.gif